
♥♫ ~魂牵今生,梦绕来世~ ♪♥

欢迎大家来到我的部落格... 没有一流的文笔,没有华丽的设计...只是记录些心情,事迹...
看过觉得还过得去不妨留下痕迹 :p


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

因为我相信每一部电影都有它背后的故事 , 另一层意义.
所以我喜欢看电影. 人生如戏 , 戏如人生.

而最近我看了好多部电影或戏剧. 加起来应该有几十部吧...
其中 Transformer 和 Ice Age 3 还看了进戏院看了两次 Tim...
Transformer 看第二次的时候越来越不明白到底为什么那么多人说它好看 , 我个人认为蛮烂.
Ice Age 3 看第二遍的时候却越来越喜欢 ,
那种幸福的感觉也传到了我的心坎里. 很扎实 , 好温暖.

不是我比较喜欢动画片 ,
而是有些东西如果靠真人演我觉得还欠缺了那么一点 , 无法把那种精神描绘出来.
人类都是贪心的 , 很多事情就算放进了多少心力 , 只差一点
也难怪 " 不成功 , 便成仁 " 这句话能流传至今.

人生如戏.. 踢 futsal两个小时激烈的拼抢没事情, 却在最后一分钟才来扭伤脚踝.. 真是痛得不亦乐乎...


Amelie said...

in fact i watching movie really depends on the mood, that day i moody, even go watch 3D ice age, ended up, even no laugh for the whole movie... haha,

Vincent said...

So pro =.=||

I used to laugh when i moody. Remind myself i still noe how to laugh. Laugh how come i will become moody.

^^ A smile a day , keep MR moody looney away lols.

Amelie said...

yeah, a good one...haha

Vincent said...

Lol so free de 2day ? Holiday ar? haha Reply so fast. I goin KL see leng lui now got time den teach u more Hokkien n Cantonese LOLS

Amelie said...

u got time, i no time, wakaka, yalor, going to end le my holiday..go kl for what? sudah bosan with mmu lenglui?

Anonymous said...

haha~ go watch up and let me noe nice anot^^

Vincent said...

@amelie : ya sudah bosan let MMU leng lui see so i go KL let leng lui see. lols.

@cwj : Heard tat is not bad. Laughing gor is nice i like it. The what Alien attic one lols vr sohai, quite funny haha. you are ? =.=