还记得刚刚入主这间屋子的时候 , 搬出去的朋友告诉我左邻右舍的习性
他说左边的邻居叻 , 他们的狗是讲英文的. 意思是他们很高傲 , 不近人情.
右边的呢 , 恰恰相反 , 为人非常随和.
左边的呢承蒙上次搞个活动 , 车在他们家门口停了那么一下下就被大屌特屌.
直到今天 , 我走过了他们的家门.
只见家门大开 , 里头那只传说中会听英文的狗冲着我大吠特吠 ,
只可惜 , 我戴着耳机炸着温柔的西洋乐曲
那只狗自以为高分贝的 SuperBark 进入我耳鼓里时就好像在为我的西洋舞曲打拍子.
也正巧 , 它的女主人手上拿着狗链
还庆幸 , 这狗链是铁做的. 大家都知道 ,铁是不会有伸缩性质的.
狗链如果 2 米长 , 就代表着狗绝对无法冲到 2.1 米的地方.
所以当那只狗向我冲来时 , 在还离我一尺处就被迫停了下来.
结果我很淡定的避过了与狗亲密接触的经验 , 不必事后打 " 疯狗症 " 预防针.
或许是我太淡定让女主人诧异 , 还是她因为自己宠物的鲁莽而愧疚 , 又或是我太帅气
就这样吹了大约 5 分钟的水. 全程用英语.
期间她竟然问说我们这间 631b 里面有没有钢琴 , 因为她说最近常听到钢琴声.
虽然她说很动听 ( Muahahahahaha ),
不过这或许证明了我下次如果要玩 keyboard 得放低声量 , 否则扰人清梦就不好了.
没有预料中的火药味 , 我想 , 睦邻计划已经悄悄的开始了.
所以说 , 如果能对人笑 , 又何必哭 ?
hahaha...i think she mean the classical mp3 u playing are nice...
not the keyboard XD
VHV, pls don't think too much~
things like this always happen....
usually after a tense fight...they will talk nicely to u the next day...and things happen all over again~....it's like a cycle...
the time she talk nicely is simply when her "one-month-one-time" tak datang.....haha
don't b too happy yet!
@Mcpei : Lols. I no bomb classical Mp3 de lea hahaha.
@Anderson : haha. This means i must 先发制人 ? Later take rubbish go throw into her house compound Lols..
Thx for calling me vhv u also admit i am very handsome vincent liao ar ? hahaha =D
hahaha.... that is so funny leh.. ahhaha... if me.. i dont think i cant be so leng jing at all.. ahhaha.. so ke xian we miss the scene...
很好的开始...就由你们这一代可以开始建立邦交 XD
@amber : u there i think the dog will aim u 1st haha. They can sense who scared of them lols.
@kailiang : 邦交 somemore =.=||
tingyi, i think i might have a bit contribution to ur mu ling ji hua oso wor..cz i always keep "playing" ur keyboard when i was in 631B...wakaka
haha. Den welcome and thx slt the tourist =D hahaha.
i sure she din think of tis...haha=P
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